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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 6 - February 11, 2021

State of Kansas

Board of Technical Professions

Notice of Hearing on Proposed Administrative Regulation

A public hearing will be conducted at 10:30 am Friday, April 16, 2021, at the Kansas State Board of Technical Professions, 900 SW Jackson, Suite 507, Topeka, KS 66612, or remotely to adopt by reference the “minimum standards for boundary surveys and minimum standards for mortgagee title inspection standards of practice” adopted by the Kansas society of land surveyors on November 21, 2020.

If the hearing is conducted remotely, notice will be provided on public square and the Board’s website.

This 60-day notice of the public hearing shall constitute a public comment period for the purpose of receiving written public comments on the proposed regulation. All interested parties may submit comments prior to the hearing to Larry G. Karns, Executive Director, at the Kansas State Board of Technical Professions’ above address, or via email to All interested parties will be given a reasonable opportunity to present their views, orally or in writing, concerning the proposed regulation during the public hearing. In order to provide all parties with an opportunity to present their views, it may be necessary to request each participant to limit any oral presentations to ten minutes.

Copies of the proposed regulation as well as the economic impact statement for the proposed regulation may be obtained from the Kansas State Board of Technical Professions, 900 SW Jackson, Suite 507, Topeka, KS 66612, by contacting Larry G. Karns at 785-296-3055, or by emailing the agency at

Any individual with a disability may request accommodation in order to participate in the public hearing and may request the proposed regulation to be considered and the economic impact statement for the regulation in an accessible format. Requests for accommodation to participate in the hearing should be made at least five working days in advance of the hearing by contacting Jessica Pierce at 785-296-3052 or at Individuals with hearing and/or speech disabilities may contact the Kansas Relay Center at 800-776-3777 for communication accommodations. Handicapped parking is available at the south end of the Landon State Office Building, 900 SW Jackson, Topeka, KS 66612, across the street from the north entrance to the building, and on Ninth Street, just around the corner from the north entrance to the building.

A summary of the proposed amended regulation and the economic impact of the regulation follow:

K.A.R. 66-12-1, as proposed, adopts minimum standards for the practice of professional surveying. The amended regulation will adopt by reference the “minimum standards for boundary surveys and minimum standards for mortgagee title inspections standards of practice” adopted by the Kansas society of land surveyors on November 21, 2020.

The proposed regulation is not anticipated to have any significant economic impact.

Larry G. Karns
Executive Director

Doc. No. 048852